Thrustmaster tmx racing wheel review in 2024

The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is an excellent choice for budget-conscious racing enthusiasts who want a high-quality racing experience. This racing wheel has some tremendous features and functions, which make it a great addition to any sim-racing setup.

The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is a popular choice among budget-conscious racing enthusiasts looking for an authentic racing experience. It features a 900-degree force feedback system, a metal pedal set, and a realistic 11-inch diameter wheel, all adding to the realism of the racing experience.

The wheel has a responsive and smooth operation and is compatible with Xbox One and Windows PC. The TMX is easily upgradable, allowing you to add a shifter and handbrake, and customize your setup to your liking. Its durability and design add to its quality and make it a must-have for sim-racing enthusiasts.

Thrustmaster Tmx Racing Wheel With Force Feedback And Racing Pedals Price And Availability

The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is a popular choice for gamers who crave an authentic and immersive experience. Featuring force feedback and racing pedals, this wheel is available at an affordable price and is a must-have for any serious racing enthusiast.

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The Thrustmaster Tmx Racing Wheel: Price And Availability 

If you’re looking for an affordable racing wheel that offers exceptional performance, the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is an excellent option. This device features an intuitive design that delivers accurate sensations and a solid grip for consistent handling. Here’s everything you need to know about its price and availability:

  • Price: The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is incredibly affordable, given its impressive features. You can find it online for around $200, which is significantly cheaper than some other high-end racing wheels.
  •  Availability: Thankfully, the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is widely available from multiple retailers. You can find it both online and in stores, either directly from the Thrustmaster website or popular online retailers like Amazon or Best Buy.

This device is a perfect entry-level racing wheel for those who want to experience authentic driving simulations without breaking the bank. The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is a solid investment that has earned the love of many racing game enthusiasts as it provides an excellent performance-price ratio.

Thrustmaster Tmx Racing Wheel Pros And Cons

The Thrustmaster TMX racing wheel allows for smooth and responsive driving, with adjustable force feedback and a pedal set included. However, some users may find the plastic build to be less durable than desired. Overall, it provides a good option for those looking for an affordable and realistic racing experience. 

Are you a racing game enthusiast looking for a new wheel to enhance your gaming experience? Look no further than the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel. This high-quality racing wheel is packed with features that make it a great choice for both casual and serious gamers alike. 

However, like any product, there are both pros and cons to this racing wheel. Let’s explore the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel’s advantages and disadvantages below.


  • Realistic Force Feedback: The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel features a powerful motor that provides realistic force feedback, giving you a more immersive driving experience.
  •  Precise Steering Wheel: The wheel is designed with a 900-degree rotation angle, allowing for extremely precise steering and control over your car.
  •  Customizable: The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is fully customizable, allowing you to adjust the wheel’s sensitivity, pedal height, and more to fit your personal preferences.
  •  Compatibility: The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is compatible with both Xbox One and PC, making it a versatile option for gamers with multiple platforms.


  • Pedal Construction: Some users have reported that the pedals are not as sturdy as they would like, leading to occasional slipping or disconnection during use.
  •  Limited Button Options: The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel has a limited number of buttons compared to some other racing wheels, which may be a drawback for gamers who prefer more customized button mapping options.

Overall, the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is a great choice for gamers looking to elevate their virtual racing experience. With its realistic force feedback, precise steering, and customizable options, it’s clear why this racing wheel is so popular. While there are a few minor downsides to consider, the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel’s advantages make it a top contender for anyone in the market for a new racing wheel. 

Is Thrustmaster A Good Racing Wheel? 

Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is a great choice for racing enthusiasts. It offers accurate and precise control, a smooth pedal feel, and a realistic driving experience. The force feedback is excellent, making it one of the best in its class. 

Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel Review: Is Thrustmaster a Good Racing Wheel? 

Are you a gamer or a racing enthusiast looking for the best racing wheel on the market? Look no further than the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel.

What Is Thrustmaster? 

Thrustmaster is a company that specializes in creating high-end gaming peripherals, including racing wheels, joysticks, and gamepads. The company was founded in 1990 and has since been providing gamers with top-quality products that enhance their gaming experience.

Thrustmaster Tmx Racing Wheel Features 

If you’re considering purchasing the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel, you’ll want to know what’s in store for you. Here are some of its notable features: 

  • 900-degree force feedback base: The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel has a 900-degree force feedback base that ensures realistic and accurate steering.
  •  Wide pedal set: The racing wheel comes with a wide pedal set that allows for comfortable driving, with each pedal having adjustable height and spacing.
  •  Xbox One compatibility: It is specially designed to operate on the Xbox One console, providing gamers with an immersive experience.
  •  Powerful rotation angle: The wheel features a rotation angle of up to 270 degrees, offering a smooth and accurate driving experience.

If you’re in the market for a racing wheel, you’ll want to know whether or not Thrustmaster is a good brand. In short, the answer is a resounding YES! Thrustmaster has built a name for itself over the years, providing gamers with high-quality products that are not only functional but also durable.

The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is no exception. It has all the features you need to take your racing experience to the next level, making it a worthwhile investment.

If you’re serious about gaming or racing, the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is an excellent choice. Its superior build quality, compatibility, and features make it a top contender in the market.

Does Thrustmaster Tmx Work On PC?

The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is a popular choice among gamers for its realistic handling and features. And, yes, it works on PC, making it a versatile option for those who like to switch between different gaming platforms. 

Thrustmaster Tmx Racing Wheel Review: Does It Work On PC?

Are you looking for a racing wheel that works well with your gaming PC? Then you might want to check out the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel. This product is designed to provide gamers with a realistic racing experience, similar to what they would experience on a real racetrack.

In this review, we will answer the question on every PC gamer’s mind- does it work on PC?

Compatibility With Pc

The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is not only compatible with Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S but is also designed to work seamlessly with Windows PCs. This feature makes it an excellent choice for gamers who play racing games on their PC.

Easy To Install

When it comes to installing the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel on your PC, you’ll be happy to know that it’s a relatively simple process. After unboxing it, all you need to do is follow the instructions included in the package, connect it to your PC, install the drivers, and voila, you’re good to go! 


One of the great things about the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is that it’s customizable to meet your gaming needs. The wheel comes with a set of pedals and has a rotation angle that can be adjusted from 270 degrees up to 900 degrees.

Additionally, the wheel is detachable, making it easy for users to switch between the Ferrari 458 Challenge replica wheel and the Thrustmaster GT rim. 

Realistic Racing Experience 

The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel provides its users with a realistic racing experience thanks to its 900-degree force feedback base. This feature allows gamers to feel every bump, twist, and turn on the racetrack, which is essential for the ultimate gaming experience. 

Moreover, the wheel’s sensitivity can be adjusted according to the user’s preference, enabling them to find the perfect balance between control and comfort. 

Final Verdict 

The Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is an excellent choice for PC gamers who love racing games. It’s not only compatible with PCs but is also easy to install, customizable, and provides a realistic racing experience. This racing wheel has received positive reviews on various platforms, making it worth considering when looking for a new gaming accessory. 

How Do I Calibrate My Thrustmaster Tmx Pc?

Calibrating your Thrustmaster TMX PC is vital for optimal performance. Begin by accessing the Control Panel, select ‘View Devices and Printers‘, and then select ‘Properties‘ according to Thrustmaster’s official website. 

If you’re a racing enthusiast, you know that having the right equipment can make all the difference in your overall experience. That’s where the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel comes in. It’s a high-quality, PC-compatible wheel that provides a realistic and immersive driving experience. 

If you’ve recently purchased the TMX Racing Wheel, you’ll want to learn how to properly calibrate it to maximize your gaming experience. In this section, we’ll cover everything you need to know about calibrating your Thrustmaster TMX PC.

What Is Calibration And Why Is It Important? 

Before diving into how to calibrate your TMX Racing Wheel, it’s essential to understand what calibration is and why it’s crucial. Calibration is the process of ensuring that your hardware is correctly set up, essentially ensuring that its performance will be optimal. 

As for the TMX Racing Wheel, calibration will ensure the following:

  • The wheel will produce an accurate representation of the car’s movements.
  •  The pedals respond correctly.
  •  The wheel’s rotation is set up accurately.

Steps For Calibrating Your Thrustmaster Tmx Pc

  • Begin by ensuring that your TMX Racing Wheel is correctly connected to your PC.
  •  Launch the TMX Control Panel software
  •  Select the “Calibration” tab to access the calibration options.
  •  You’ll see a series of options, including “Wheel Calibration,” “Pedal Calibration,” “Rotation Angle,” and “Centering Springs.” Ensure that all of these options are available.
  •  Next, start the process by selecting “Wheel Calibration.” The software will prompt you to turn the wheel to the left. After you do this, you’ll be prompted to turn the wheel to the right until it stops. Follow the on-screen prompts until calibration is complete.
  •  Once the wheel is calibrated, proceed to “Pedal Calibration.” Follow the prompts and press the correct pedals when prompted.
  •  Now move to “Rotation Angle.” Set the rotation angle of your wheel to your preferred maximum rotation on the slider.
  •  Lastly, check “Centering Springs” and enable this feature to ensure a more realistic feeling while using the wheel.

Calibrating your Thrustmaster TMX PC is essential to the wheel’s overall performance. Follow these steps to ensure that you have an immersive and accurate racing experience.



With all the features that the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel offers, it is worth the investment for any racing enthusiast. The force feedback is precise and accurate, the paddle shifters are smooth, and the overall build quality is excellent.

Using this wheel enhances the realism and fun of gaming significantly. If you’re looking for affordability and high-quality performance, then the Thrustmaster TMX Racing Wheel is an excellent option to consider.

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